Friday, February 27, 2015


The NECK is an area that doesn't receives a lot of attention but should be your focal point (men & women). The neck is erogenous and if handle just like your partner like it you would have him or her in a state of silly putty. 

  • Sink your teeth on the neck not overly aggressive but where they can feel it and if hurts add small gentle kisses
  • Open your mouth as wide as you can and place you hot mouth on the neck and just breathe after a minute or so apply licks
  • Place your hand around the front area of the neck and suck & bite & lick the back area of the neck
                                                        Sexual Satisfaction Guaranteed 

Thursday, February 26, 2015

Welcome to Rill Sex Talk. I will be discuss everything sexual relate from sex tapes to making sex music to everything in between on top and whose on the bottom. It going to be sexually charge so get your batteries READY or your hand...wink, wink