From the previews Moonlight is about a black male dealing with his sexuality. Ok, I didn't see any signs of the main character with sexuality issues. You know when you see a young boy that show signs of being more feminine, but in this movie there were none, so I was confused. I saw a young black male that was dealing with a mother as a drug user, and he dealing with the situation very maturely. His friend, was suspect to me, he lured the main character man into his curious with homosexuality with his body language, tone and with drugs. Years goes by and the guy that seduced the main character contact him and they linked up. We (the audience) finds out that main character hasn't had a sex encounter since the sexual experience with the seducer. I was done! I personally did not like this movie. The message was lost.
I have a question: Men, is it normal for preteen or teenage boys to show each other their penis?
Same sex has the same thing, it comes in a variety of forms an the curiosity is understandable.... I believe when someone initiate the game lets show each other our penis or pussy that person is trying to lure the other person or persons into same sex intercourse. Watch out for the creeps!
What was your thoughts on the movie Moonlight?