Friday, March 6, 2015

Support Rock the Red Pump Compaign

                                               I'm a Proud Supporter of Rock the Red Pump

Rock the Red Pump Campaign, brings awareness of HIV/AIDS and how it affects women.Women represent 27% of all new AIDS diagnoses with African-American women accounts for 66% of that group (You HEAR That SiSTAH, that some scary shit). On Tuesday, March 10, 2015 show your support by wearing your Red Pumps and get a conversation going about SAFE SEX....Um, I live in New York and it's a lot of snow outside so I will paint my toes red and rock my RED PUMPS inside.

You can easily be distracted by lust and throw precaution out the window especially when it feels sooo good. But you MUST make a conscience discuss and the light bulb should go off in your head to not play roulette with your life. If your are in a relationship, you should have a honest conversation about sex and if you two decide to have unprotected sex you both should go get tested together and speak to your health care provider about your decision. If it's a one night use protection. Ladies: An item to have in your hand bag is condoms, female condoms or whatever method of protection you use. Have Enjoyable Safe SEX

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