Wednesday, September 21, 2016

First Time

Rill Good Sex

When was your first Rill Good sex experience? My Rill Good sex experience was with my baby daddy at the time I was thirty two and he was twenty one (yeah, yeah he was a much younger than I). But he was very advance  sexually, he had done thing to me that hadn't been done to me before. Let me double back. When I engaged in sex in my twenties and early thirties, I was high or intoxicate or both plus I didn't know the sexual capability of my body to express myself sexually along with no experience on how to make a man feel Rill Good. However, I told myself "When I have a baby, the sex is going to be rill good!" and it was just that. He expressed himself to me in a loving, passionate and desirable way in return I was able to release any inhibition and give him all of me.  We had a sexual connection (I wrote about sexual experience and sexual connection two posted back) so we were able to enjoy the pleasures of sex.

 My Sex Theory For Rill Good Sex

I believe the more you know about the human body and when you met someone that cares/love you you two will have mind blowing sex. Age doesn't matter ( I'm not saying adults should have sex with children..HELL NO!). What matters is knowledge of the human body and sexual chemistry and you will have hot, wet pu$$y, super hard dick, cum swallowing, pu$$y licking, tongue sucking, feet kissing, neck and back lickin, tongue in the ass, nipple biting, lickin and kissing, I love this pu$$Y/I love this dick saying Rill Good sex.


  1. WOW! That has happen to me but I ended it!Will I kinda ended it😮

  2. WOW! That has happen to me but I ended it!Will I kinda ended it😮
